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JAMES NEWSOM  started running in 1984 while in college and started becoming competitive at the local and state level about two years later. He was mostly self-coached, but briefly had a coach in the mid 90’s. He did very well in the DFW area, focusing on 10k-half marathon distances. His running PR’s include a 24:25 8k, 30:59 10k, and a 1:10:08 half marathon. James and his father owned a running store for 18 years where he coached training groups and individual athletes. In 2012 he began moving into the cycling world, and quickly became competitive in the masters field, particularly in the time trial. 


THE SCIENCE BEHIND TRAINING... With a BS in biology and 8 years experience teaching high school chemistry, James has always been interested in the science behind training. Since his first foray into running, he has constantly gleaned knowledge from sources such as books, podcasts, videocasts, and to this day continues this build with daily research and study. His coaching philosophy is simple. Find out as early as possible what a rider’s strengths are and then tailor the training to enhance their natural abilities while always working on aerobic development as that is what will eventually determine an athlete’s potential success. He likes to keep training prescriptions straightforward and teach each athlete to be able to use perceived exertion as a guide, coupled with feedback from other metrics such as heart rate and power. James emphasizes the importance of client-coach communication and relies on feedback from the athlete to keep training sustainable and enjoyable while ensuring consistent improvement.  

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